
Knud Stűwe is a composer guitarist and oud player (sound cloud link here) who lives in Bristol.  He draws inspiration from a wide range of influences such as Jazz, Middle Eastern music, Tango and the Classical repertoire. Recent projects below


Oud, co-arrangements and composition.

Forgotten Songs and Stories

This was an Arts Council funded production at the Bristol Lantern led by Daphna Sadeh https://daphnasadeh.com.

Sounds of Sudan is a brand new Arts Council funded collaboration between Nabra and the Ligeti Quartet.

Eastern Strings featuring originals by both Dapna Sadeh and Knud Stüwe. CD released on "33 Jazz Records" and featured on BBC Radio 3 Late Junction in 2018.

The Bristol Mandolin and Guitar Ensemble

"Nabra" means the sound of one's own voice. The sound of the Nabra oud duo is an intoxicating blend of Sudanese and Middle Eastern influences with plenty of Taqsim (improvisations) thrown in.

Composer and arranger for "Longing, Belonging and Balfour" a musical theatre telling of the 1917 Balfour declaration story The show successfully toured the UK in 2017 and Palestine in 2018.

Band member of Chai for All (Modern Jazz, Klezmer and Originals) and pianist for the improvised comedy show Instant Wit.

Composer and arranger for Longing, Belonging and Balfour  an Arts Council funded musical theatre telling of the 1917 Balfour declaration story. The show successfully toured the UK in 2017 and Palestine in 2018.

Regular guest appearances also for Bristol European Jazz Ensembleand , Baraka and The Hip Cats 

Past bands include trio "Mr. Dowland's Midnight"  collaboration with oud player Simon Leach, and Jake McMurchie on sax which performs traditional music from the Middle East next to pieces by John Dowland, Eric Satie and originals.
Mr.D.M. featured on BBC Radio 3 Late Junction in 2015. 

Knud teaches guitar at Sea Mills primary school in Bristol. He is available for private tuition.